Frequently Asked Questions

We've listed the most commonly asked questions below. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us
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Frequently Asked Questions
What Is LeTip?

LeTip International is the world’s largest, privately owned, professional business leads organization. Since 1978, LeTip programs has helped build business success through personal referrals. LeTip International’s structure set the standard in the word-of-mouth referral industry. Members are known for their professionalism, dedication, and loyalty to one another, and to the LeTip Program. Only one representative of any given profession is accepted into a chapter, and members are chosen for their occupational expertise.

Why shouldn’t I just join my Chamber of Commerce?

Actually, LeTip believes that you should be a member of both your Chamber and LeTip. Your Chamber of Commerce is good for your business and your community. The difference between a Chamber and your LeTip Chapter is exclusivity. You “own” your category when you join LeTip and your competition is excluded within your chapter. Chambers, by their very nature, exist by being inclusive.

What does LeTip expect of me?

LeTip expects you to attend weekly meetings to build relationships. LeTip expects you to pass, on average, one qualified referral every week. LeTip expects you to be ethical, professional, and experienced in your line of work. LeTip expects you to help all your members to be successful and they are expected to do the same for you. How do I know LeTip will work for me?

What really makes LeTip work?

LeTip teaches you how to network smarter and gives you the structure from which to grow. But it is the chapter as a whole that fuels the success of each member. Rather than just selling on your own; with LeTip, you have a sales force of professional businesspeople bringing you qualified leads. Remember, referrals are made based on trust and solid relationships. That’s why it is important to attend meetings and build those relationships so your chapter will get to know you, just as you’ll get to know them.

What makes LeTip different from other leads groups?

LeTip is the original business leads networking group. In 1978 we set the standard by developing a program that embraced both businesswomen and businessmen. Only one representative of any given profession is accepted into a chapter, and members are chosen for their occupational expertise.

What can I expect LeTip to do for me?

You can expect LeTip to provide the structure and the guidance of the LeTip program. You can expect your Area Representative to train your chapter members in leadership and presentation skills. You can expect all the necessary materials to run a chapter to be provided. You can expect annual training in the newest networking and chapter building techniques for your Board Members and Committee Chairs. You can expect your category to be protected. You can expect our full time staff in our corporate office to assist you when necessary.

How soon will I see financial reward?

LeTip is not a get rich fast scheme. It takes time to earn the trust of your chapter members, to become adept in the networking arena, to learn to promote yourself and your business with ease. If you expect instant reward, LeTip is not for you. If you want to build long-standing business relationships that will earn you qualified referrals for years to come, then LeTip is for you.

What is LeTip Wired?

LeTip Wired is a powerful tool available for all our LeTip members! Wondering what it does exactly? A few things it can do is connect and pass business online, help your listing online, and connect you with the 120,000 members LeTip has nationwide. The best part, LeTip wired is free for our members

Who Do I contact if I need more information?

The current membership chair is Jennifer E. Moroch-Tieman, she can be reached at (702) 203-1297 or email her at  If you would like more information about another Chapter, you can call LeTip headquarters at (800) 255-3847.

Non-Competitive Environment
Each business category is represented by one member. In other words, you won’t be battling against your competitors. Members will be learning about your business each week and quickly making referrals to you.
Weekly Speakers
Each week there is a designated scheduled speaker. They have 7 minutes to talk about their business and how we can help them grow their business.
An Efficient Hybrid Model
Networking groups must meet to keep fostering relationships and building each other's businesses. After COVID we decided to test a hybrid group of 3 Zoom meetings and 1 live meeting per month. The results have been phenomenal.
Tips = "Hot" Lead Only
We have target tippers, tip requirements, and our group prospers on tips. When you receive a Tip from a member, you can count that lead as being “pre-sold” and that contact is Expecting your call within 24 hours of you receiving that Tip.